I had an SIS today in Indy. Here is what I'm talking about: http://www.universitywomenshealthcare.com/min-inv-procedures/content/sis.shtml
This paragraph is too much information, so don't read it if you don't want to know. According to the doctor, everything looked perfect! The lining of my uterus was nice and thin. My uterine cavity looked clear and perfect. No scar tissue from the miscarriage. They also checked out my ovaries. I had some follicles on each side, which is good. Dr. Bopp said I had no bad cysts. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). According to Dr. Bopp, my ovaries "do not look polycystic at all". He said my weight loss has done amazing things for my body. My day 3 hormones were perfect. My uterine lining was perfect. My ovaries looked perfect. I am showing NO major signs of PCOS. You have no idea how exciting that is! People with PCOS know what I'm talking about. It affects your life daily. My cycles are now regular. It's great!
Weight gain is so easy with PCOS. Weight loss is difficult with it. It takes a lot of willpower. You have to want to do it with everything you've got. This is what I'm talking about: http://women.webmd.com/polycystic-ovary-syndrome-pcos-and-weight-gain
Here is some other good news: http://www.ratemds.com/best-doctors/IN/CARMEL#Reproductive+Endocrinologist
Under reproductive endocrinologists Dr. Bopp is rated number one! That makes us feel good. http://www.ratemds.com/doctor-ratings/884006/Dr-Bradford-Bopp-CARMEL-IN.html#Ratings
I can't wait to start my shots at the end of the month!!!!!!!
I will keep you updated!
One last thing. I really don't think there is going to be a blackout, reguardless of what everyone says on Facebook. http://www.snopes.com/science/astronomy/blackout.asp
Have a Wonderful Week!
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