Colton, Daddy, and Cora
Colton, Mommy, and Cora
I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. I can't complain. I cut Shawn's hair yesterday and he went to a funeral. I did some laundry yesterday and I drove up to Camden and got some deli for supper. I'm on a cooking strike this weekend. The twins had their first taste of Oven Roasted Turkey Breast and Virginia Baked Ham. And I bought and iced honey bun and they had some of that. To say they loved it is putting it mildly. Yes, that was on my law carb diet. <---- Shhh!
We watched the Pacers win last night and went to bed like the party animals we are.
Colt and Cora got me up about 6:45 this morning. It takes a long time to get them taken care of in the morning. I fed them both milk, then changed their diapers. I put one in the floor and one in the high chair and feed them fruit and cereal. I clean them up and put them on their tummy in the floor. I switch babies and repeat the process. Then I change diapers and put them in clothes for the day. They usually take a nap after that. This morning I cut Zac's hair and did some more laundry once the babies were down. We had deli for lunch again and fed the babies. They had jarred food this time. Abby had a make-up dance class today, so I took her to that while Zac and Shawn took care of the twins and cleaned house. I stopped and got some things while Abby was at dance. I bought some baby food today since Miss Cora won't always eat what I make. Anyway, while the cashier was ringing me up, she asked how old my baby was. I was tempted to be a smarty pants and say it was for me, but instead I said I had 6 month old twins at home. The lady in line behind me heard me and told me she knew exactly how hard twins are because she had babies a year and a half apart. Excuse me?!? How is that anything like twins? LOL! I bought us all a drink at McDonald's after picking Abby up and we went home.
I just took care of the washer and dryer again and now we're watching NASCAR. Well, Shawn has it on that channel. I'm not sure anyone is really watching it closely. The twins have a pediatrician appointment this week. I can't wait to see how big they are. When we take them, I need to stop by dreaded Walmart. That place is always crazy. I need to buy a booster seat. We have one high chair, but I really don't want another one. They twins would rather sit at the table with us. I rotate who sits in the high chair and who sits in my lap. I have to keep my plate far away. Cora is worse about grabbing the food in my plate. She's a stinker! She isn't a big fan of vegetables I make. She likes when I cook and grind mixed vegetables, but she's not a big fan of carrots, green beans, and peas when I make them. She will eat them from a jar, however. I just keep trying. Eventually she'll eat them.
I think Shawn is going to go get some fish tonight from the fish fry in Camden. (I'm on my cooking strike.) I can't wait for the babies to try it.
I have heard many differing opinions on when to feed your baby solid foods. I had people act like I was killing my babies because I started feeding them at 4 months. I still get comments and lots of advice on it. All I can say is talk to your pediatrician and trust their advice. This article was recently shared with me. I think its a good article.
We consulted with our pediatrician before introducing solid foods at 4 months. We discussed pretty much everything in this article. Studies show no difference when it comes to food allergies if you introduce solids at 4 months or wait until 6 months. You have to go off of cues from your baby/ies. My 2 would watch us eat and pretend to chew before 4 months. They liked sitting in my lap at the table while I ate. It is now recommended you start with meats instead of grains. The only thing you should avoid before age 1 is honey. Anything else is not off limits.
This is another good article. If our babies had not been interested in foods and would have pushed the food out of their mouth, I would have waited and tried again later. My problem is keeping their hands out of my plate and on their own food, lol!
And the twins got a taste of Olive Garden breadsticks Tuesday on their 6 month birthday. I'm trying to introduce them to a wide variety in hopes of avoiding food allergies.
5 years ago, they said wait until 6 months or later. Now they are saying foods should be introduced before 7 months.
This is from the first article, "Similarly, studies of Celiac Disease have shown that the disease occurs less frequently in children who first eat wheat between 4 and 7 months, than in those given wheat for the first time after 7 months. Likewise, a Dutch study found that infants who began eating fish between 6 and 12 monthshad less asthma at 4 years old than children who did not begin eating fish until after their first birthday."
That's why my babies are getting their first taste of fish tonight and why starting on their 6 month birthday they are getting some bread, which Colt loves by the way. He LOVES his bread. He makes noises when he eats it like its the greatest thing on earth. I should have taken a video clip of him eating tiny pieces of breadsticks with alfredo sauce at Olive Garden.
I'm sure someone is reading this right now and is shaking their head. My babies were ready for food. Some aren't until later. You just have to trust your pediatrician and watch for the signs from your baby. They will let you know when they are ready.
I'll leave you with something I found on Facebook. I've had someone message me and say they had something similar happen recently. I had someone else say how true this is. It's also been shared a few times, so I thought I would share it here.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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