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Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Big Reveal!

We had a wonderful ultrasound.  Everything was perfect and right on.  Both placentas attached on different walls of my uterus   They were healthy and strong.  We saw both sides of the babies brains.  We saw and heard all 4 chambers of their hearts working.  We could see blood flow to and from their hearts and umbilical cords.  Their femurs measured right on.  We have a very slim chance of any neurological problems now.  The ultrasound tech even said quad screens are unreliable, especially with more than one baby in there.  Both measured 18 weeks exactly (which is what they are) and both weigh 8 ounces.  I can't believe I'm carrying around a pound of baby now!

Is the anticipation killing you?  Baby A, which is lower is a healthy baby boy.  Baby B, which is nice and high is a healthy baby girl.  Both babies are transverse.  We'll see if they stay that way.  Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers!  We are blessed!!!

Have a great week and weekend!


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