I am THANKFUL for great friends that listen to you and give you a shoulder to cry on. I chatted with a friend after my previous post and she made me feel a lot better. Thank you Rachel! She was very understanding and gave me the support I needed. She said: "Yeah thats the hardest thing, when you want something (that's normal to have) so bad and God is saying No or not yet." when I mentioned how long we've been trying.
"You just have to trust God."
And: "The fear of the unknown is the hardiest."
Thank God for Wonderful Friends!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
A little sad...
I can't help but be a little sad today. I am so THANKFUL for everything I have, but I am still missing one thing. It was AMAZING getting to hold 2 adorable babies yesterday. It is difficult wanting that, but not having it. We have tried to have a baby for 6 years, 8 months, and 14 days. I know, it's sad when you can count it down to the day. I just remember it because we started trying our wedding night. I don't understand why we can't have that, yet. It hurts to hold an innocent baby when you have tried for so long. Why can't we have one to call our own? That isn't all of it, though. One of the babies is a month younger than ours was supposed to be. Throw that in there too, and it just stinks. Looking at that baby and knowing we should have one about that size, was difficult. I know most people reading this have no clue or understand the depths of the sadness this causes. Unless you have tried for years, you have gone through every fertility procedure known to man, and sadly experienced a miscarriage; it's difficult to understand. I wouldn't wish this upon anyone. No one should have to know what this feels like. I just have to keep looking forward. I am so thankful we will get another try in January. Please send us your prayers. We need them. I don't know how much more I can handle. I said that before we tried IVF the first time and I guess we survived that experience. I just have difficult moments. We are very fortunate to have 2 adorable kids that we get to spoil every day!
I don't write this to be depressing or to display my feelings to the world. I talk about it because I know how it feels. If just one person reads this that is in the same boat or will have to experience this in the future, maybe they won't feel so alone and maybe this will help them. I've learned its better to say what you feel rather than keep it bottled up. If only we could win the lottery. We would start a foundation to help others with fertility expenses. Oh wait, you have to play the lottery in order to win it. Minor detail. ;-)
Have a wonderful night!
I don't write this to be depressing or to display my feelings to the world. I talk about it because I know how it feels. If just one person reads this that is in the same boat or will have to experience this in the future, maybe they won't feel so alone and maybe this will help them. I've learned its better to say what you feel rather than keep it bottled up. If only we could win the lottery. We would start a foundation to help others with fertility expenses. Oh wait, you have to play the lottery in order to win it. Minor detail. ;-)
Have a wonderful night!
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 25: I am thankful for Sundays! There's nothing like starting the day with a great morning at church. We are now watching football with supper in the crock pot.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Another Great Day!
I woke up before 8 this morning, so I finished a smut book. It was great!
I unloaded the dishwasher.
I made my zucchini dish and corn casserole. We went to my aunts and had a great time. I got to meet the newest members of the family, my cousin Crystal's adorable daughter Quinn and my cousin Lisa's adorable daughter Sierra!
We played euchre for a bit. I hadn't played it in a few years. I did okay. I didn't make any stupid mistakes, but I'm not very risky when I haven't played in so long.
I ate a cookie earlier and now I feel guilty! My stomach was cramping earlier. It gets so mad at me when I eat carbs one day then take them away again. It's going to be 2 weeks before I feel better. I am NOT cheating at Christmas. It is too difficult to get my willpower back!
Have a great night!
I unloaded the dishwasher.
I made my zucchini dish and corn casserole. We went to my aunts and had a great time. I got to meet the newest members of the family, my cousin Crystal's adorable daughter Quinn and my cousin Lisa's adorable daughter Sierra!
We played euchre for a bit. I hadn't played it in a few years. I did okay. I didn't make any stupid mistakes, but I'm not very risky when I haven't played in so long.
I ate a cookie earlier and now I feel guilty! My stomach was cramping earlier. It gets so mad at me when I eat carbs one day then take them away again. It's going to be 2 weeks before I feel better. I am NOT cheating at Christmas. It is too difficult to get my willpower back!
Have a great night!
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 24: I am thankful I got to spend time with family today. It was great to meet the newest 2 babies. It was also great to play euchre. Love you all! — with Crystal Shrock Woolever and 7 others.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Busy Busy
Be warned, this is pretty boring! LOL!
This is going to sound crazy, but if you know me, you probably already think I'm crazy... ;-) Anyway, I think I am nesting. You know, like a pregnant woman. It's because we are getting ready to do IVF again. I have spent the past 3 days cleaning my house from top to bottom! As soon as school was cancelled due to fog, I got to work. I cleaned and organized cabinets. I cleaned the refrigerator and freezer. I am embarrassed by how gross the fridge gets. How does that happen? It's all sparkly clean now. I washed every bit of dirty laundry in the house. I threw away clutter. I washed every dirty dish and 409'd my whole kitchen. I think that's it for Wednesday.
Shawn had to work Thanksgiving. :-( We were invited to my grandparents house for Thanksgiving, so that's where we went. I made a Feta & Parmesan Zucchini Bake that I found on Pinterest. Here is the link:
It's low carb, so perfect for me. I also made no bake cookies, but didn't eat any. My grandpa LOVES no bake cookies. I didn't eat one. I didn't eat a lot either. I wanted to stay away from the carbs and eat them with Shawn.
Since Shawn had to work, we had our Thanksgiving with him today. I made a Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, leftover zucchini casserole, green bean casserole, stuffing, peas, and rolls. That was for the 4 of us. I am not cooking again until the leftovers are gone. I have a feeling I won't be cooking until Wednesday. It was worth it.
We got up at 7:45 to get the Turkey going. While prepping it, I listened to Christmas music! I LOVE Christmas music. After I put the Turkey in the oven, Shawn and I brought totes inside from the garage full of Christmas things. We turned on the TV since we have free STARS right now. The Vow was getting ready to come on, so I gave Shawn puppy dog eyes and begged him to sit and watch it with me. I left the tree partially put together and we sat together and the couch and watched it! I am thankful my husband will sit down and watch a chick flick with me once and a while. How'd I get so lucky?
After the movie, we finished the tree and decorating the house. We also put all of the fall decorations away. By that time, the turkey was almost done and I finished making everything else. I ate carbs! It was amazing!!!
After eating, we managed to get all of the dishes done and everything put away. The kitchen was back sparkly clean. We were pretty comatose, so we watched Garfield's Thanksgiving, then a few episodes of Castle (Season one). Between the shows, I made us some cookies. They were the Otis Spunkmeyer cookies we bought back when Zac played baseball this summer. I know, we have some serious willpower on this diet! We each ate a nice warm cookie topped with a scoop of ice cream. It was Heaven! I can't tell you the last time I ate something like that. Carbs make me so tired now that I'm not used to them. Every time I eat them, I feel sleepy within 30 minutes. It's amazing what you learn about yourself when you diet.
I finally got my behind up and I washed all of the living room blankets. I gave the dog a bath. I had to clean the bathtub from the dog hair, so I ended up cleaning the other one as well. Then I cleaned the sinks and toilets all over. They are clean enough to eat off of, but I wouldn't want to try it. ;-)
I washed the dog towels (from drying her off). I washed a load of white. I swept and mopped every floor. After that, I took a shower. I had to wash off the dog smell from giving her a bath. I got out and trimmed Lucy's nails, brushed her out, and now we are finishing up The Amazing Spiderman.
Tomorrow we are getting together on my other side of the family. I plan on making corn casserole and Feta & Parmesan Zucchini Bake again. I will not eat any carbs tomorrow. This was my one cheat day until next Thanksgiving. Shawn and I agreed we are not cheating at Christmas. It was a once a year thing. The kids will be eating all the leftover carbs for us.
I checked Twitter earlier. It was the first time in a month. I've had an account for quite a while now, but I just can't get into it.
The tree is twinkling and we have the lights on the house and garage on. Thank you Shawn for putting those up when it was warmer last week!
That's about it here... I am so lucky to have such a wonderful life! I am thankful for it!
Take Care!
This is going to sound crazy, but if you know me, you probably already think I'm crazy... ;-) Anyway, I think I am nesting. You know, like a pregnant woman. It's because we are getting ready to do IVF again. I have spent the past 3 days cleaning my house from top to bottom! As soon as school was cancelled due to fog, I got to work. I cleaned and organized cabinets. I cleaned the refrigerator and freezer. I am embarrassed by how gross the fridge gets. How does that happen? It's all sparkly clean now. I washed every bit of dirty laundry in the house. I threw away clutter. I washed every dirty dish and 409'd my whole kitchen. I think that's it for Wednesday.
Shawn had to work Thanksgiving. :-( We were invited to my grandparents house for Thanksgiving, so that's where we went. I made a Feta & Parmesan Zucchini Bake that I found on Pinterest. Here is the link:
It's low carb, so perfect for me. I also made no bake cookies, but didn't eat any. My grandpa LOVES no bake cookies. I didn't eat one. I didn't eat a lot either. I wanted to stay away from the carbs and eat them with Shawn.
Since Shawn had to work, we had our Thanksgiving with him today. I made a Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, leftover zucchini casserole, green bean casserole, stuffing, peas, and rolls. That was for the 4 of us. I am not cooking again until the leftovers are gone. I have a feeling I won't be cooking until Wednesday. It was worth it.
We got up at 7:45 to get the Turkey going. While prepping it, I listened to Christmas music! I LOVE Christmas music. After I put the Turkey in the oven, Shawn and I brought totes inside from the garage full of Christmas things. We turned on the TV since we have free STARS right now. The Vow was getting ready to come on, so I gave Shawn puppy dog eyes and begged him to sit and watch it with me. I left the tree partially put together and we sat together and the couch and watched it! I am thankful my husband will sit down and watch a chick flick with me once and a while. How'd I get so lucky?
After the movie, we finished the tree and decorating the house. We also put all of the fall decorations away. By that time, the turkey was almost done and I finished making everything else. I ate carbs! It was amazing!!!
After eating, we managed to get all of the dishes done and everything put away. The kitchen was back sparkly clean. We were pretty comatose, so we watched Garfield's Thanksgiving, then a few episodes of Castle (Season one). Between the shows, I made us some cookies. They were the Otis Spunkmeyer cookies we bought back when Zac played baseball this summer. I know, we have some serious willpower on this diet! We each ate a nice warm cookie topped with a scoop of ice cream. It was Heaven! I can't tell you the last time I ate something like that. Carbs make me so tired now that I'm not used to them. Every time I eat them, I feel sleepy within 30 minutes. It's amazing what you learn about yourself when you diet.
I finally got my behind up and I washed all of the living room blankets. I gave the dog a bath. I had to clean the bathtub from the dog hair, so I ended up cleaning the other one as well. Then I cleaned the sinks and toilets all over. They are clean enough to eat off of, but I wouldn't want to try it. ;-)
I washed the dog towels (from drying her off). I washed a load of white. I swept and mopped every floor. After that, I took a shower. I had to wash off the dog smell from giving her a bath. I got out and trimmed Lucy's nails, brushed her out, and now we are finishing up The Amazing Spiderman.
Tomorrow we are getting together on my other side of the family. I plan on making corn casserole and Feta & Parmesan Zucchini Bake again. I will not eat any carbs tomorrow. This was my one cheat day until next Thanksgiving. Shawn and I agreed we are not cheating at Christmas. It was a once a year thing. The kids will be eating all the leftover carbs for us.
I checked Twitter earlier. It was the first time in a month. I've had an account for quite a while now, but I just can't get into it.
The tree is twinkling and we have the lights on the house and garage on. Thank you Shawn for putting those up when it was warmer last week!
That's about it here... I am so lucky to have such a wonderful life! I am thankful for it!
Take Care!
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 20: I am thankful for guys like this in movies! Without them, they wouldn't be the same. ;-)

Day 21: I am thankful school was cancelled today. My house is so much cleaner now!
Day 22: I'm thankful for the opportunity to spend the Thanksgiving Holiday with family, although Shawn had to work.
Day 23: I am thankful for the opportunity to make a Thanksgiving meal for my husband today since he had to work yesterday.
Monday, November 19, 2012
I haven't truly blogged in a while. I'm going to attempt to. I haven't had a lot of time, and the time I have had, I've had my nose in a book or we have been watching football. I think that is the most I have used the words have and had in one sentence. I hope it was written with correct grammar. English teacher's correct me if it's wrong. I also haven't had anything exciting enough going on to blog about.
Next weeks Thursday night football game is Saints Vs. Falcons. GO FALCONS! I jumped on their bandwagon when they drafted Matt Ryan.
So, the kids and I listen to the radio every morning on the way to school. Whatever song that is playing when we get to school tends to get stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Today we heard Between the Raindrops by Natasha Bedingfield and Lifehouse. I've been singing it every since then...
" Look around. There's no one but you and me. Right here and now. The way it was meant to be. There's a smile on my face. Knowing that together everything that's in our way. We're better than alright."
That was me singing the beginning of the song to you. What'd you think? I sounded awesome, right? I know, sometimes I have a strange sense of humor. What can I say? I work with kids all day. You have to be goofy. It makes learning fun.
Although, I had to get on one of my recess students today for goofing off in the hallway. That student just happened to be my son! I used my mom voice and told him that he knew better. One of my students whispered, "Wow! She's scary when she's mad!" He laughed when he said it, but my students rarely see me mad. They all were quiet and angels for me after that.
So, who do you like better as a coach? Jim Harbaugh or John Harbaugh? I tend to like John better. I just want to see Jon Gruden go back to coaching. Shawn and I agree, he would make a good coach for the Cowboys. What was up with the kickers this weekend? How many missed field goals were there?
Today was Monday. Tomorrow is Wednesday. Wednesday is Friday. It's a short week. Do you like my logic?
I should have my SI in 2-3 weeks. After that I get to start birth control and start the IVF process!!! I am excited and can't wait!!! I will keep you informed!
Well, I am going to start another smut book. I just finished one with an arrogant Duke. He was a jack-a with a temper and made me think of my husband! No wonder I really enjoyed that book. My husband has a temper, but I love him just the way he is! Unless that temper is disagreeing with me! Have a great night and a Happy Thanksgiving!
Take Care!
Next weeks Thursday night football game is Saints Vs. Falcons. GO FALCONS! I jumped on their bandwagon when they drafted Matt Ryan.
So, the kids and I listen to the radio every morning on the way to school. Whatever song that is playing when we get to school tends to get stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Today we heard Between the Raindrops by Natasha Bedingfield and Lifehouse. I've been singing it every since then...
" Look around. There's no one but you and me. Right here and now. The way it was meant to be. There's a smile on my face. Knowing that together everything that's in our way. We're better than alright."
That was me singing the beginning of the song to you. What'd you think? I sounded awesome, right? I know, sometimes I have a strange sense of humor. What can I say? I work with kids all day. You have to be goofy. It makes learning fun.
Although, I had to get on one of my recess students today for goofing off in the hallway. That student just happened to be my son! I used my mom voice and told him that he knew better. One of my students whispered, "Wow! She's scary when she's mad!" He laughed when he said it, but my students rarely see me mad. They all were quiet and angels for me after that.
So, who do you like better as a coach? Jim Harbaugh or John Harbaugh? I tend to like John better. I just want to see Jon Gruden go back to coaching. Shawn and I agree, he would make a good coach for the Cowboys. What was up with the kickers this weekend? How many missed field goals were there?
Today was Monday. Tomorrow is Wednesday. Wednesday is Friday. It's a short week. Do you like my logic?
I should have my SI in 2-3 weeks. After that I get to start birth control and start the IVF process!!! I am excited and can't wait!!! I will keep you informed!
Well, I am going to start another smut book. I just finished one with an arrogant Duke. He was a jack-a with a temper and made me think of my husband! No wonder I really enjoyed that book. My husband has a temper, but I love him just the way he is! Unless that temper is disagreeing with me! Have a great night and a Happy Thanksgiving!
Take Care!
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 14: I thankful that my husband Shawn Scott worked hard to afford a nice big insulated garage! I never have to scrape windows! I saw someone doing that this morning and felt so thankful!
Day 15: I thankful for my dog. She doesn't know she's a dog though.
Day 16: I am thankful for my wonderful husband Shawn Scott that picked up some groceries for me today AND he ran the dishwasher.
Day 17: I am thankful for romance (smut) books. They may be cheesy, but I love them.
Day 18: I am thankful for 4 wheel drive. I have a feeling I am going to need it this winter.
Day 19: I am thankful for willpower. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to stick to this diet.
Day 15: I thankful for my dog. She doesn't know she's a dog though.
Day 16: I am thankful for my wonderful husband Shawn Scott that picked up some groceries for me today AND he ran the dishwasher.
Day 17: I am thankful for romance (smut) books. They may be cheesy, but I love them.
Day 18: I am thankful for 4 wheel drive. I have a feeling I am going to need it this winter.
Day 19: I am thankful for willpower. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to stick to this diet.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 13: I thankful that my sister Kayla Smelser is fine after her car accident today!
30 Days of Thanksgiving- Day 14: I thankful that my husbandShawn Scott worked hard to afford a nice big insulated garage! I never have to scrape windows! I saw someone doing that this morning and felt so thankful!
Have wonderful 2 more work days this week!
Monday, November 12, 2012
What do you think of this?
I know I read a lot of historical smut books, but did I step through a portal and go back in time?
Opinions, please!
Opinions, please!
Do you get a song out of your head? During Monday Night Countdown, they played this song:
That was pregame before 8:00 p.m. It's not 10:30 p.m. and I'm still singing it. Ahhh! Thanks Monday Night Football for getting a stupid song stuck in my head!
Have a great night!
That was pregame before 8:00 p.m. It's not 10:30 p.m. and I'm still singing it. Ahhh! Thanks Monday Night Football for getting a stupid song stuck in my head!
Have a great night!
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 9 & 10: I'm thankful for my two wonderful kids Zac and Abby! I wouldn't trade them for the world!
Day 11 & 12: I'm thankful for my job and the roof over my head. I might hate Monday mornings, but I love my job. Also, I might have to clean it, but its my house and I'm thankful to have it.
Day 11 & 12: I'm thankful for my job and the roof over my head. I might hate Monday mornings, but I love my job. Also, I might have to clean it, but its my house and I'm thankful to have it.
Before and After
This picture was almost 2 years ago (Christmas).
This picture was 2 weeks ago.
This is embarrassing to post this, but I want it to be motivation for us! I've lost 50 pounds and Shawn has lost 62 pounds since last August (15 months).
Have a wonderful week!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 8: I'm thankful for Thursday Night Football. Especially, getting to watch the Colts play. It was an excuse to eat pizza and sit in front of the TV. Pizza is rare in our house!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 7: I'm thankful for technology. I couldn't imagine coming home from work and not having a dishwasher, washer, dryer, etc.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
As you can read from my last post, we will be doing IVF again soon! We are excited about it!
Shawn and I went to Indy today and got the GREEN GO to move on with IVF. God is AMAZING!
After our last IVF's pregnancy that resulted in miscarriage, we have decided to do Attain. We will be using a different clinic. This clinic offers 3 fresh cycles and 3 frozen cycles for a set fee. If you do not come home with a baby, you get 70% back.
I still pray we get pregnant the first time and that it is a healthy pregnancy, but this will alleviate the stress and fear of it ending as sadly as last time.
I will have an SIS and blood-work next month. C'mon January!!!
If you ever have questions, just ask! I am a very open person!
Have a wonderful week!!!
Shawn and I went to Indy today and got the GREEN GO to move on with IVF. God is AMAZING!
After our last IVF's pregnancy that resulted in miscarriage, we have decided to do Attain. We will be using a different clinic. This clinic offers 3 fresh cycles and 3 frozen cycles for a set fee. If you do not come home with a baby, you get 70% back.
I still pray we get pregnant the first time and that it is a healthy pregnancy, but this will alleviate the stress and fear of it ending as sadly as last time.
I will have an SIS and blood-work next month. C'mon January!!!
If you ever have questions, just ask! I am a very open person!
Have a wonderful week!!!
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 6: I'm thankful for fertility doctors. God willing, we will get to do another round of IVF after the first of the year!
Monday, November 5, 2012
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 5: I'm thankful for music. I listen to music every day. I couldn't imagine a day without it!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Strange mood....
I'm not sure what my deal is, but I am kind of sappy and mellow. If that makes sense.... I've been listening to music all day. Here are some of the things I've been listening too. It seems like my song choice today revolves around their amazing voices!
Here they are in no particular order:
1) Never too Late - Three Days Grace
2) All the Right Moves - One Republic (I want to dance in this video. Yes, I know I'm a dork.)
3) Seether - Tonight
4) One Republic - Apologize
5) Goo Goo Dolls - Iris (more like the whole album)
6) You and Me - Lifehouse (Several of their songs)
7) Linkin Park - Shadow of the Day (I LOVE Linkin Park!)
8) Lifehouse and Natasha Bedinfield - Between the Raindrops (It's new)
I guess I'm in a slow song kind of mood. Have a great week everyone!
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 4: I'm thankful for NFL Football! It's amazing how addicting it is. GO COLTS!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 3: I'm thankful for good romance books. I know they are cheesy, but I love them! I finished one today that I really enjoyed.
Friday, November 2, 2012
I Love Luke Bryan!

I shared this on Facebook and decided to share it here too!
Have a great weekend!
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 2: I'm thankful for my students! I love getting to know each and every one of them. They make my day! It's great when they slip-up and call me mom on accident! I had a student do that yesterday, then get embarrassed. I told him that I am a mom, so its okay.
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